Email is known to be one of the fastest ways to disseminate a message, an idea, or a brand. This is known as “viral” dissemination. Businesses who have qualified to be DUNS Registered (with or with out a website), are naturally interested in publicizing this information in the fastest, most effective way possible, i.e. virally. The D&B D-U-N-S® RegisteredTM Floating Seal gives DUNS Registered businesses the ability to do just this, by giving these businesses a D&B DUNS Registered branded logo to use in emails or other electronic documents.
Email Seal customers are given an “offline” seal image embedded with their company name, with a simple hyperlink. The Email Seal customers’ employees can add this seal and link to their email signatures or documents and presentations. When a recipient of the seal, clicks the offline seal, the company’s D&B verified business profile opens in a web browser (the profile will only open if the business represented by the email seal is a valid, authorized and active DUNS Registered customer).